Some live updates for alls yous out in the world wide web... who also live in San Francisco. Tomorrow night Darshan Jesrani (one half of Metro Area) is playing at The Triple Crown at 1760 Market. Cover is $10 and it's a pretty nice space, haven't heard the system, but it should be good fun. And then next weekend there are two events you should be aware of: First is Gun Club's 3 Year Anniversary on Friday night (March 6th) with Maurice Fulton at Paradise. $10 presale, tickets here. Then on Saturday, Mas Disco is hosting Woolfy at Oasis in Oakland (Harvey played there in October and rawked it). $5 before 11, but be mindful it's a DJ set not a live show :(.
Woolfy - Oh Missy (In Flagranti's Meat-Packing Mix)
Woolfy vs. Projections - The Return Of Starlight (Invisible Conga People Remix)